Scene #2. <March 29th, 2001, Requested information>
Diplomatic activity documents of congressmen visiting foreign nations and attending international forums since the opening of the 18th congress
– documents of diplomatic visit total expenses calculate and its entire documentary evidence(ex, credit card statements, receipts)
– final reports of diplomatic visits
Scene #3. <April 21st, 2011, Disclosure request accepted, after delayed response>
o entire documentary evidence of 18th congress diplomatic visit expenses ⇒
※ couldn’t convert to digital file because there were approximately 10000pages and 1127 cases in total
o final reports of diplomatic visits ⇒ posted on the Secretariat of National Assembly homepage
※ peruse charge 200 won per 10 pages, 100 won per 5 pages if over 10 pages, copy charge 250 won per 1 copy, 50 won per 1 copy if over 1 copy
Translated by SOORIN KIM(voluntarily activist)
The Supreme Court concluded in 2000 that documents regarding the diplomatic activities of congressmen should be opened to public. So, Center for Freedom of Information and Transparent Society(CFOI) requested the information regarding the diplomatic activities of the 18th congressmen and the Secretariat of the National Assembly. The congress delayed announcement and then decided to open the records. We went to the national archive to check the receipt and accounts. The congress sent the copies by mail but they reversed their decision saying that they cannot disclose the records regarding the Chairmen of Congress. Only after the formal request demanding disclosure of the records to the Secretary General of the National Assembly did the congress decided to open the records.
According to the record regarding lists of diplomatic activities since the opening of the 18th congress until last April, cases of foreign visits were 121 and attendance of international meetings was 69. Foreign visits have increased significantly from 14 cases in 2008 to 46 cases in 2009, 43 cases in 2010 and 18 cases in 2011 so far. Attendance of international meeting from 2008 to 2011 so far was 20, 21, 24 and 4 cases respectively.
(images: The Secretariat of the National Assembly)
(A part of congressmen diplomatic activity documents, see attached files)
In case of foreign visits, there were cases in which the period staying after completion of purpose was longer than the original schedule. There were also many cases in which the schedule was full of feasts with international corporations or overseas Koreans. Furthermore, several cases of congress diplomacy for friendship were highly doubtful to be regarded as overseas trips.
Details including receipts of expenses used during foreign activities were opened for the public but the disorganized data took a toll on us reading them. Analyzing the information, we can categorize the spending into two main purposes; transportation/accommodation expense and official expense. High percent of the official expenses was used for incentives for embassy officials or throwing feasts for local overseas Koreans and corporation staffs.
Budget for congress diplomacy was 7.7 billion in 2010 and increased to 9.3 billion in 2011. A congressman who is regarded as a minister level according to the public official travel expense rules is provided with 1st class flight, accommodation costs and food expense which is 345~817 dollar a day, and 800 dollar per person or 600 dollar per team for additional expenses.
When the Secretary General of National Assembly goes on to a business trip huge number of officials accompany him and often spend hundreds of millions of budget. Sometimes they schedule events unrelated to the purpose of the visit and spend money to create albums.
Diplomacy is to develop favorable relationship between countries. Making progress through clear purpose and activities is a meaningful thing. The public doesn’t pay tax to provide money for congressmen to tour and enjoy feasts in foreign nations. Proper diplomatic activities and transparent and responsible disclosure are needed.
Lists of congress diplomacy activities and public documents of overseas training of the Secretariat of National Assembly are attached.
original Korean version of this post and attached files