
What’s up with the gas mileages of official vehicles?



             Seoul special city mayor Oh Sae-hoon (image: http://newsen.com

Translated by SOORIN KIM(voluntarily activist)

Time when gas price jumps to 2000 won per liter! On this count, it seems
natural that citizens are using public transportation more frequently and gas
mileage has become the most important point of reference when choosing new cars.


What about the fuel efficiency of the mayors and governors of the local
government and the local police chief’s official vehicles then? The Center for
Freedom of Information and Transparent Society (CFOI) looked into it by filing
FOIA request for the information about official vehicles. CFOI specifically
asked for mileages and gas expenses of the mayors, governors and police chiefs in
Seoul city and Incheon, Gyeonggi province from January 2010 to May 2011.


official vehicles mileage and refueling expense of the local government heads in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi  from January 2010 to May 2011

During one year and a half, the official vehicle of the Mayor of Seoul ran
26,370km in total. Refueling expense was 16.59 million won. Mayor of Incheon’s
official vehicle ran 19,601km in total and used 6.76 million won on refueling.
As he rode less than the Seoul Mayor, the Incheon Mayor spent less to refuel.
The Gyeonggi governor’s official vehicle ran 73,490km and spent 22.22 million won
on gas expenses.


Now, let’s look at the mileage and refueling expenses of the police chiefs
in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggido.

official vehicles mileage and refueling expense of the commissioners of the local police agencies in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggido from January 2010 to May 2011

The Commissioner of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s vehicle ran
13,235km and used 56.12 million won on gas. Incheon Police Agency
Commissioner’s official vehicle ran 22,602km and spent 66.43 million won on refueling.
The chief of the Gyeonggi local Police Agency’ official vehicle ran 32,620km
and the total gas expense was 91.37 million won. Gyeonggi’s chief traveled the
most and thus spent the most on gas too. Sounds legit…


But, when we look closer, we can see that things aren’t so great after
When we look closer at the table, the Seoul Mayor (26,370km) and the
Commissioner of the Incheon Police Agency (22,602km) ran similar mileages
whereas for the gas expenses, which is 16.59 million won and 6.6 million won
respectively, the difference is as much as about 10 million won. Even if we
take into account the differences in gas prices between the two places, the gap
is simply too much.


To see things more clearly, we set
the gas price as 2000 won per liter and calculated the estimated fuel
efficiency (km/l) to know how much gas the vehicles use per one liter.

The estimated gas mileage of Seoul Mayor and the Commissioner of the Seoul Metropolitan
Police Agency was quite shocking. In case of the Seoul Mayor, the estimated
efficiency of 3.17km/l was just hard to understand. The Commissioners of Seoul
Metropolitan Police Agency’s estimated efficiency was 4.71km/l, which too seems
to be problematic. The estimated efficiency of Incheon Mayor as well is no higher
than 6km per liter. 

Are we supposed to wonder if the mayor and the commissioner
leave the car engine running during his whole work hours or refuel gas that
costs about 5000 won per liter or something like that? Yes, t
his is just a
rough estimation, but at least one thing is clear now. T
he Seoul Mayor and the
Commissioner of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency have wasted gas expenses

original Korean version of this post and attached files

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