
Polarization of income spreads to education, Gangnam-gu has 19 times as many English kindergartens as Geumcheon-gu in Seoul


CFOI (Center for Freedom of
Information) requested information to 11 district offices of Education in Seoul
concerning English kindergartens in each district.


  The English kindergartens that we hear from
the press generally refer to the institutes that teach English to kids. Each
district office of Education disclosed information regarding the institutes
engaged in English education for children

of the information provided by Gangnam district office of Education>


to the data, Seoul has 336 English kindergartens in operation. Among them,
Gangnam-gu has the highest number of English kindergartens in operation which
is 336. The second highest is Seocho-gu with 34 English kindergartens. The
third is Yangcheon-gu, in which Mokdong is located, with 27 English
kindergartens. In comparison, Geumcheon-gu has only 2 English kindergartens
which is the lowest number in Seoul. Gangbuk-gu has 3 and Gangdong-gu and
Jongro-gu have 4 each.


  According to the “information system
of institutes in our town” offered by Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education,
the monthly tuition fee of one English kindergarten in Gangnam-gu is 1.49
million won. This amounts to 18 million won a year. Slight differences exist
among kindergartens, but there are several tens of English kindergartens whose
tuition exceeds 10 million won a year. The minimum living expense for a 4
person family was set as 1,495,550 won in 2012. One month tuition fee of a
5-year-old kid can be the monthly living expense for one family.



  (This image is not relevant to
the kindergartens mentioned above)


polarization is worsening in our society. The Middle class is on decrease and
disparities in income and wealth are widening. Such income disparities result
in the polarization of education.


classic “rags to riches” story is gone. The presenting education divide clearly
distinguishes the life of rags and riches from a young age. The reality shows
that the riches only come from Gangnam.


on the income and education can exist. However, the differences should not be
the wall that never can be torn down. A solution for the polarization of
education is desperately needed.


you can find the data extracted from the <Institutes information> of Seoul
Metropolitan Office of Education and information disclosed by each district
office of Education.


The information
related to Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education was extracted from “
학원종류: 학교교과교습학원  분야구분: 국제화  교습과목: 유아 검색







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